Want to learn a programming language but think it'll be to hard? Well this page has the solution to that. This page will tell you all about programming in an easy way. We will give you links to places where you can learn more about website, app, and video game creation. We also will tell you all about HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and soon, even Swift, right here on this page! Make sure to contact us with any questions or problems about coding and/or the website.
Compuscholar Web Design and Video Game Creation Course
Under each coding category below, (HTML, JavaScript, Swift, etc.) there will be the many sub-catgories with information about the script. Also, make sure to check out our coding blogs, telling you more about creating websites and apps. (App development coming soon.)
HTML is one of the major coding scripts for websites. HTML stands for hypertext markup language. Here, we will teach you the basics of HTML. To really make your website stylish, learn CSS along with HTML. If you don't feel like learning a whole other language, HTML as alternatives that we will cover later on. HTML is easy to learn if you have the time to do it. In other words, it's easy to learn, but it takes time.
Before you even start coding, you need something to code with! Having a computer is the best option, but you can also use Neocities, avalible on any internet enabled device. On a Mac, you can use TextEdit, which is pre-installed, on Windows, you can use Notepad, which is also pre-installed, and on Chromebook, you can download a text editor by looking it up in the Chrome Web Store. If I missed a device, please contact me and tell me which device I missed.
The first thing you need to know is what an HTML element is. An element is a combination of a start tag, content, and an end tag. To make a start tag write, "<tagname>". tagname is not an actual tag is HTML, so don't try to use it in your webpages. The content vary with different tags. We will cover that later on. You may be wondering, "What's the difference between a start tag and an end tag?" Well, the only difference is that after the opening angle bracket (<) you type a slash. To write an end tag type, "</tagname>". Again, tagname is NOT an actul tag in HTML.
Another thing you need to know about before you start is how to make your code easier to read. The first step is to make sure you make sure each HTML element goes on two or more lines of code. This doesn't mean if the content of the element goes onto a seperate line it will mess up the code. If this happens, know that it won't do anything to your code. Another way to organize your code is when a piece of code is inside another piece of code (this will make more sense later), you can type in a tab.
Also, a small thing that you need to know is that HTML is not case sensitive. That means it doesn't matter if things are in uppercase or lowercase. <TITLE> and <title> would do the same thing.
Finally, let's take a look at some code. To do this, get onto a computer and get on your favorite website. It can even be this one! Now, press control u on Windows, Chromebook, or Linux, or command u on Mac and wait for a new page to open showing code. It many be complex, it may be simple. Either way it's still code. Even if it looks complex now, you will be able to do it soon!
Setting up your HTML file is the most important part of creating a HTML webpage. Without doing the steps in this section, you won't be able to create your webpage.
Now, open your text editor and your ready to start coding! First, you need to make sure the computer knows that you're writing in HTML. To do this, type, "<!DOCTYPE html>" for your first line of code. Pretty easy, right? Next, you need to type, "<html>". Remember to put this on a new line of code! Then, you need to give your page a title. If you look at other webpages, you'll notice that at the top where the tabs are, you see text, and maybe even an image! That is the title of the page. To make your webpage have a title, you have to make a head section. To do this, type "<head>". You haven't added any title yet, but to do so you next have to put in a title tag like this, "<title>" on a new line of code. Now to write your first content! Right after your title tag, type in a name for your webpage. If you don't have any ideas, just put "My First Webpage" in for now. Your title element should now look like this, "<title>My First Webpage". Now to finish the element, and officially make it an actual element, type, "</title>". Make sure to close the head section! Now, make your body. The body will be where all your website content will be. To make it, type, "<body>" then put a couple empty lines of code, then type, "</body>". Next, close the html tag by putting the text, "</html>". Congratulations! You have set up your webpage!
Now it's time to learn how to add content to your webpage. First, you need to learn some new tags. We'll start with the "p" tag. This tag creates a paragraph. You write it like this, "<p>". Then, your content goes in the middle. Pretty simple, right? Did you know that's how this paragraph was made? Soon you'll be able to create a website just like this. You can write text by doing no tag at all, but it won't seperate into paragraphs.
Time to learn about headings! The first thing you need to know is that there are many types of headings. There are 6 different types! The largest is the "h1" tag. Next is the "h2" tag, and so on. The smallest is the "h6" tag. I'll give an example of how to write it with the h4 tag. This is how you write it: <h4>. Congratulations! You've learn the heading tags!
Next let's talk about lists. There are a couple different types of lists. There is an unordered list, ul, and an ordered list, ol. An unordered list is bulllets, and an ordered list is numbered. First, you would type either the ul tag or the ol tag. Then you would go to the next line and type the list tag, li. Make sure to add content (words) and close it. Put as many things on the list as you like and don't forget to go down to the next line and close the ordered or unordered list! You've learned lists!
Lila is currently learning more about styles. More information soon!
Lila has not learned this yet. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Publishing your website is simple and easy. You need to make sure you avoid the expensive domain names though. Some websites you can get a cheap domain name on is Namecheap, GoDaddy, and Shopify. I mentioned that you could use shopify. If you use it, you also get access to many other tools such as a logo maker, buisness name generator, and an online store.
Lila is currently learning more about Swift. More coming soon!
Swift is one of the most popular programming languages. It is used to build iOS apps.
Our coding blogs tell you more about creating websites and designing apps. Remember that we will keep writing new coding blogs. Come back soon to check the new blogs out!
July 22,2017
Hi guys! Today I am going to teach you a little about coding. This is just a small opening to a big world. Be sure to look through the links for more coding tutourials. Enjoy!
When coding, you must always perservere and fix the bugs in your code. If you want to code a website, Neocities.org is the best way. If you would like to create a website without coding, try Wix.
Make a Website (No Coding Needed)
If you have any comments or questions, please comment below! We will get back to you soon! If you would rather email us privately, email us on the contact page.
© 2017, Lila and Soha. All rights reserved.