Here's some tags!

This is a paragraph.

Remember, you can also write text like this, but it won't be separated into paragraphs!
  1. This is an ordered list.

This is the 3rd largest heading.

Here's some more tags.

This is a link to my website. The website link goes inside the quotation marks and what you want the link to say on the website (the content) goes between the link and the closing tag.
This is how you make a table with data.
Here's another row with data! Here's another piece of data!
To have a border around your table, add "border=number" after "table". For example:
Now the table has a size 5 border! The larger the number, the larger the border.
Now time for a short, 6 question test! Tell me when you are ready and I will open the file. If you want to practice writing code, you can either write code under the paragraph that says your name's code, view the file, and see what it does, or you can press "View" and type in the box you see under this paragraph. To resize the box, drag the bottom right corner. If you're wondering what the code under this paragraph is, just ignore it for now. I can teach you that later. :)

Nancy's Code


John's Code